View Engine

This post has been originally part of the Giraffe documentation

Saturn is built on top of Giraffe and can use any helpers it provides. This is a case for suggested view engine that you can use in Saturn - Giraffe has its own functional view engine, which can be used to build rich UIs for web applications. The single biggest and best contrast to other view engines (e.g. Razor, Liquid, etc.) is that the Giraffe View Engine is entirely functional, written in normal (and compiled) F# code.

This means that the Giraffe View Engine is, by definition, one of the most feature rich view engines available, requires no disk IO to load a view and views are automatically compiled at build time.

The Giraffe View Engine uses traditional functions and F# record types to generate rich HTML/XML views.

HTML Elements and Attributes

HTML elements and attributes are defined as F# objects:

let indexView =
    html [] [
        head [] [
            title [] [ str "Giraffe Sample" ]
        body [] [
            h1 [] [ str "I |> F#" ]
            p [ _class "some-css-class"; _id "someId" ] [
                str "Hello World"

A HTML element can either be a ParentNode, a VoidElement or a Text element.

For example the <html> or <div> tags are typical ParentNode elements. They can hold an XmlAttribute list and a second XmlElement list for their child elements:

let someHtml = div [] []

All ParentNode elements accept these two parameters:

let someHtml =
    div [ _id "someId"; _class "css-class" ] [
        a [ _href "" ] [ str "Some text..." ]

Most HTML tags are ParentNode elements, however there is a few HTML tags which cannot hold any child elements, such as <br>, <hr> or <meta> tags. These are represented as VoidElement objects and only accept the XmlAttribute list as single parameter:

let someHtml =
    div [] [
        br []
        hr [ _class "css-class-for-hr" ]
        p [] [ str "bla blah" ]

Attributes are further classified into two different cases. First and most commonly there are KeyValue attributes:

a [
    _href ""
    _target "_blank"
    _class "class1" ] [ str "Click here" ]

As the name suggests, they have a key, such as class and a value such as the name of a CSS class.

The second category of attributes are Boolean flags. There are not many but some HTML attributes which do not require any value (e.g. async or defer in script tags). The presence of such an attribute means that the feature is turned on, otherwise it is turned off:

script [ _src "some.js"; _async ] []

There's also a wealth of accessibility attributes available under the Giraffe.ViewEngine.Accessibility module (needs to be explicitly opened).

Text Content

Naturally the most frequent content in any HTML document is pure text:

    <h1>This is text content</h1>
    <p>This is even more text content!</p>

The Giraffe View Engine lets one create pure text content as a Text element. A Text element can either be generated via the rawText or encodedText (or the short alias str) functions:

let someHtml =
    div [] [
        p [] [ rawText "<div>Hello World</div>" ]
        p [] [ encodedText "<div>Hello World</div>" ]

The rawText function will create an object of type XmlNode where the content will be rendered in its original form and the encodedText/str function will output a string where the content has been HTML encoded.

In this example the first p element will literally output the string as it is (<div>Hello World</div>) while the second p element will output the value as HTML encoded string &lt;div&gt;Hello World&lt;/div&gt;.

Please be aware that the the usage of rawText is mainly designed for edge cases where someone would purposefully want to inject HTML (or JavaScript) code into a rendered view. If not used carefully this could potentially lead to serious security vulnerabilities and therefore should be used only when explicitly required.

Most cases and particularly any user provided content should always be output via the encodedText/str function.

Javascript event handlers

It is possible to add JavaScript event handlers to HTML elements using the Giraffe View Engine. These event handlers (all prefixed with names starting with _on, for example _onclick, _onmouseover) can either execute inline JavaScript code or can invoke functions that are part of the window scope.

This example illustrates how inline JavaScript could be used to log to the console when a button is clicked:

let inlineJSButton =
    button [_id "inline-js"
            _onclick "console.log(\"Hello from the 'inline-js' button!\");"] [str "Say Hello" ]

There are some caveats with this approach, namely that

  • it is not very scalable to write JavaScript inline in this manner, and more pressing
  • the Giraffe View Engine HTML-encodes the text provided to the _onX attributes.

To get around this, you can write dedicated scripts in your HTML and reference the functions from your event handlers:

let page =
    div [] [
        script [_type "application/javascript"] [
            rawText """
            window.greet = function () {
                console.log("ping from the greet method");
        button [_id "script-tag-js"
                _onclick "greet();"] [str "Say Hello"]

Here it's important to note that we've included the text of our script using the rawText tag. This ensures that our text is not encoded by Giraffe so that it remains as we have written it.

However, writing large quantities of JavaScript in this manner can be difficult, because you don't have access to the large ecosystem of javascript editor tooling. In this case you should write your functions in another script and use a script tag element to reference your script, then add the desired function to your HTML element's event handler.

Say you had a JavaScript file named greet.js and had configured Giraffe to serve that script from the WebRoot. Let us also say that the content of that script was:

function greet() {
    console.log("Hello from the greet function of greet.js!");

Then, you could reference that javascript via a script element, and use greet in your event handler like so:

let page =
    html [] [
        head [] [
            script [_type "application/javascript"
                    _src "/greet.js"] [] // include our `greet.js` function dynamically
        body [] [
            button [_id "greet-btn"
                    _onclick "greet()"] [] // use the `greet()` function from `greet.js` to say hello

In this way, you can write greet.js with all of your expected tooling, and still hook up the event handlers all in one place in Giraffe.

Naming Convention

The Giraffe View Engine has a naming convention which lets you easily determine the correct function name without having to know anything about the view engine's implementation.

All HTML tags are defined as XmlNode elements under the exact same name as they are named in HTML. For example the <html> tag would be html [] [], an <a> tag would be a [] [] and a <span> or <canvas> would be the span [] [] or canvas [] [] function.

HTML attributes follow the same naming convention except that attributes have an underscore prepended. For example the class attribute would be _class and the src attribute would be _src in Giraffe.

The underscore does not only help to distinguish an attribute from an element, but also avoid a naming conflict between tags and attributes of the same name (e.g. <form> vs. <input form="form1">).

If a HTML attribute has a hyphen in the name (e.g. accept-charset) then the equivalent Giraffe attribute would be written in camel case notion (e.g. acceptCharset).

Should you find a HTML tag or attribute missing in the Giraffe View Engine then you can either create it yourself or send a pull request on GitHub.

View Engine Best Practices

Due to the huge amount of available HTML tags and their fairly generic (and short) names (e.g. <form>, <option>, <select>, etc.) there is a significant danger of accidentally overriding a function of the same name in an application's codebase. For that reason the Giraffe View Engine becomes only available after opening the Giraffe.ViewEngine module.

As a measure of good practice it is recommended to create all views in a separate module:

module MyWebApplication

module Views =
    open Giraffe.ViewEngine

    let index =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title [] [ str "Giraffe Sample" ]
            body [] [
                h1 [] [ str "I |> F#" ]
                p [ _class "some-css-class"; _id "someId" ] [
                    str "Hello World"

    let other = //...

This ensures that the opening of the Giraffe.ViewEngine is only contained in a small context of an application's codebase and therefore less of a threat to accidental overrides. In the above example views can always be accessed through the Views sub module (e.g. Views.index).

Custom Elements and Attributes

Adding new elements or attributes is normally as simple as a single line of code:

open Giraffe.ViewEngine

// If there was a new <foo></foo> HTML element:
let foo = tag "foo"

// If <foo> is an element which cannot hold any content then create it as voidTag:
let foo = voidTag "foo"

// If <foo> has a new attribute called bar then create a new bar attribute:
let _bar = attr "bar"

// if the bar attribute is a boolean flag:
let _bar = flag "bar"

Alternatively you can also create new elements and attributes from inside another element:

let someHtml =
    div [] [
        tag "foo" [ attr "bar" "blah" ] [
            voidTag "otherFoo" [ flag "flag1" ]

Rendering Views

Rendering views in Giraffe is done through one of the following functions:

  • renderHtmlDocument
  • renderHtmlNodes
  • renderHtmlNode
  • renderXmlNodes
  • renderXmlNode

The Giraffe View Engine cannot only be used to render HTML views, but also for any other XML based content such as <svg> images or other arbitrary XML based data.

The renderHtmlDocument function takes a single XmlNode as input parameter and renders a HTML page with a DOCTYPE declaration. This function should be used for rendering a complete HTML document. The WriteHtmlViewAsync extension method and the htmlView http handler both use the renderHtmlDocument function under the covers.

The renderHtmlNodes function takes an XmlNode list as input parameter and will output a single HTML string containing all the rendered HTML code. The renderHtmlNode function renders a single XmlNode element into a valid HTML string. Both, the renderHtmlNodes and renderHtmlNode function are useful for use cases where a HTML snippet needs to be created without a DOCTYPE declaration (e.g. templated emails, etc.).

The renderXmlNodes and renderXmlNode function are identical to renderHtmlNodes and renderHtmlNode, except that they will render void elements differently:

let someTag = voidTag "foo"
let someContent = someTag []

// Void tag will be rendered to valid HTML: <foo>
let output1 = renderHtmlNode someContent

// Void tag will be rendered to valid XML: <foo />
let output2 = renderXmlNode someContent

All Giraffe.ViewEngine http handlers are using a thread static StringBuilderPool to avoid the creation of large StringBuilder objects for each render call and dynamically grow/shrink that pool based on the application's needs. However if the application is running into any memory issues then this performance feature can be disabled by setting StringBuilderPool.IsEnabled <- false.

Additionally with Giraffe 3.0.0 or higher there is a new module called ViewBuilder under the Giraffe.ViewEngine namespace. This module exposes additional view rendering functions which compile a view into a StringBuilder object instead of returning a single string:

  • ViewBuilder.buildHtmlDocument
  • ViewBuilder.buildHtmlNodes
  • ViewBuilder.buildHtmlNode
  • ViewBuilder.buildXmlNodes
  • ViewBuilder.buildXmlNode

The[...] functions can be useful if there is additional string processing required before/after composing a view by the ViewEngine (e.g. embedding HTML snippets in an email template, etc.). These functions also serve as the lower level building blocks of the equivalent render[...] functions.

Example usage:

open System.Text
open Giraffe.ViewEngine

let someHtml =
    div [] [
        tag "foo" [ attr "bar" "blah" ] [
            voidTag "otherFoo" [ flag "flag1" ]

let sb = new StringBuilder()

// Perform actions on the `sb` object...
sb.AppendLine "This is a HTML snippet inside a markdown string:"
  .AppendLine ""
  .AppendLine "```html" |> ignore

let sb' = ViewBuilder.buildHtmlNode sb someHtml

// Perform more actions on the `sb` object...
sb'.AppendLine "```" |> ignore

let markdownOutput = sb'.ToString()

Common View Engine Features

The Giraffe View Engine doesn't have any specially built functions for commonly known features such as master pages or partial views, mainly because the nature of the view engine itself doesn't require it in most cases.

Master Pages

Creating a master page is a simple matter of piping two functions together:

module Views =
    open Giraffe.ViewEngine

    let master (pageTitle : string) (content: XmlNode list) =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title [] [ str pageTitle ]
            body [] content

    let index =
        let pageTitle = "Giraffe Sample"
            h1 [] [ str pageTitle ]
            p [] [ str "Hello world!" ]
        ] |> master pageTitle

... or even have multiple nested master pages:

module Views =
    open Giraffe.ViewEngine

    let master1 (pageTitle : string) (content: XmlNode list) =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title [] [ str pageTitle ]
            body [] content

    let master2 (content: XmlNode list) =
            main [] content
            footer [] [
                p [] [
                    str "Copyright ..."

    let index =
        let pageTitle = "Giraffe Sample"
            h1 [] [ str pageTitle ]
            p [] [ str "Hello world!" ]
        ] |> master2 |> master1 pageTitle

Partial Views

A partial view is nothing more than one function or object being called from within another function:

module Views =
    open Giraffe.ViewEngine

    let partial =
        footer [] [
            p [] [
                str "Copyright..."

    let master (pageTitle : string) (content: XmlNode list) =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title [] [ str pageTitle ]
            body [] content

    let index =
        let pageTitle = "Giraffe Sample"
            h1 [] [ str pageTitle ]
            p [] [ str "Hello world!" ]
        ] |> master pageTitle

Working with Models

A view which accepts a model is basically a function with an additional parameter:

module Views =
    open Giraffe.ViewEngine

    let partial =
        footer [] [
            p [] [
                str "Copyright..."

    let master (pageTitle : string) (content: XmlNode list) =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title [] [ str pageTitle ]
            body [] content

    let index (model : IndexViewModel) =
            h1 [] [ str model.PageTitle ]
            p [] [ str model.WelcomeText ]
        ] |> master model.PageTitle

If Statements, Loops, etc.

Things like if statements, loops and other normal F# language constructs work just as expected:

let partial (books : Book list) =
    ul [] [
            |> (fun b -> li [] [ str book.Title ])

Overall the Giraffe View Engine is extremely flexible and feature rich by nature based on the fact that it is generated via normal compiled F# code.