
Saturn provides a command line scaffolding tool to generate a model, database migration, controller, and associated views.

To use the generator, run the dotnet saturn command from the root of your application. If you have used the template to generate your project, this is the directory with build.fsx or paket.dependencies file.

There are three flavors of generators that provide flexibility about the code output to support your model.
genCreates a model, database layer, HTML views, and a controller.
gen.jsonCreates a model, database layer, and an API controller to access the model.
gen.modelCreates only the model and database layer (no controller or views)

Each of these commands will generate a migration for your model as well as a folder containing generated files.

For example:

dotnet saturn gen Book Books id:string title:string

Generates the following structure:

├── Migrations
│   └── 201903192143.Book.fs

└── SaturnSample
    └── Books
        ├── BooksController.fs
        ├── BooksModel.fs
        ├── BooksRepository.fs
        └── BooksViews.fs

Each of the generators takes arguments in the same format:

dotnet saturn gen <SingularModelName> <PluralModelName> <List of model fields with types>

The list of model fields are names and types separated by a colon.


Currently supported types are:

  • string
  • int
  • float
  • double
  • decimal
  • guid
  • datetime
  • bool


Using the generator to create a model will also create a migration file that will create a supporting table in the database. Execute the migration script using:

dotnet saturn migration