
In Saturn, a controller is a list of routes that is focused on a model (an object that contains your data). So if you have a user model, some common operations are to display the list of users, show details of a user, add a user, update a user, or remove a user.

A controller is a great way to organize all of these actions.

Each of the operations is a separate route and a controller is an easy way to group these routes together.

A basic user controller is shown below:

open Saturn

let userController = controller {
    index (fun ctx -> "Index handler version 1" |> Controller.text ctx) //View list of users
    add (fun ctx -> "Add handler version 1" |> Controller.text ctx) //Add a user
    create (fun ctx -> "Create handler version 1" |> Controller.text ctx) //Create a user
    show (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Show handler version 1 - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx) //Show details of a user
    edit (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Edit handler version 1 - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)  //Edit a user
    update (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Update handler version 1 - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)  //Update a user

Here we can see the index, add, create, show, edit, and update operations, but there are more operations that are not shown here like patch and delete. You can see all the operations int the API Reference. You do not have to handle all of the operations.

You might be wondering what is the difference between add and create or edit and update. The add operation tells the application to return the form so that the user can enter the data for the user to be added. The create operation will commit the data to the database of the application. It is the same with edit for displaying the form and update for committing the change.

To add the controller for the routes, you can add it to the defaultView router like:

let defaultView = router {
    get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
    get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
    get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")
    forward "/users" userController

The route will now be:
└── "" (router)
    └── "" (browserRouter)
        └── "" (defaultView)
            ├── "/"       
            ├── "/index.html"       -redirect to
            ├── "/default.html"     -redirect to
            └── "/users"
                ├── index "/" 
                ├── add "/add"
                ├── create              -POST
                ├── show "/%i"
                ├── edit "/%i/edit"
                └── update ""           -POST

The create and update operations make changes to the database so you have to make a POST request containing the information you want to save to the database.


Now that you know how to chain routers together to create routes, we can look at a common scenario for a website. A website usually has users and each user can create multiple comments.
└── "/users"
    └── "/%i" 
        └── "/comments" (commentController)
            ├── index "/" {userId}/comments/
            └── show "/%i"{userId}/comments/{commentId}

In Saturn, you can make the comment controller a subcontroller of the user controller. It looks like the following code:

let commentController userId = controller {
    index (fun ctx -> (sprintf "Comment Index handler for user %i" userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
    add (fun ctx -> (sprintf "Comment Add handler for user %i" userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
    show (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Show comment %s handler for user %i" id userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
    edit (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Edit comment %s handler for user %i" id userId )  |> Controller.text ctx)

let userController = controller {
    subController "/comments" commentController

    plug [All] (setHttpHeader "user-controller-common" "123")
    plug [Index; Show] (setHttpHeader "user-controller-specialized" "123")

    index (fun ctx -> "Index handler no version" |> Controller.text ctx)
    show (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Show handler no version - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)
    add (fun ctx -> "Add handler no version" |> Controller.text ctx)
    create (fun ctx -> "Create handler no version" |> Controller.text ctx)
    edit (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Edit handler no version - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)
    update (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Update handler no version - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)
    delete (fun ctx id -> failwith (sprintf "Delete handler no version failed - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)
    error_handler (fun ctx ex -> sprintf "Error handler no version - %s" ex.Message |> Controller.text ctx)

To create a subcontroller, start with creating a controller for your model. After that, define it as a subcontroller inside the main controller with the following code:

    subController "/yourModel" yourModelController

API Reference

Full API reference for controller CE can be found here.

Full API reference for Controller module containing useful helpers can be found here.