
Routes are how Saturn connects all the HTTP requests to the different actions. Think of a route as the URL of the application. The site is but you may have a route for your about page such as

In Saturn, Routers contain all the routes of your application.

A router is a list of routes and a website can have a router that handles the different routes to your page like so:
├── "/"   
├── "/about"
├── "/contact"
├── "/news"
└── "/investors"

Since this is at the root, this is your router at "" path. You can then add a router inside another router to have the following:
├── books 
|   ├── list
|   ├── add
|   ├── update
|   └── delete
├── about 
├── contact
├── news  
└── investors

Now you have a router for the "/books" path inside another router for the "" path.

Now to see it in code, create a Saturn project from the template and you will have a Router.fs file like this:

open Saturn
open Giraffe.Core
open Giraffe.ResponseWriters

let browser = pipeline {
    plug acceptHtml
    plug putSecureBrowserHeaders
    plug fetchSession
    set_header "x-pipeline-type" "Browser"

let defaultView = router {
    get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
    get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
    get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")

let browserRouter = router {
    not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout) //Use the default 404 webpage
    pipe_through browser //Use the default browser pipeline

    forward "" defaultView //Use the default view

//Other scopes may use different pipelines and error handlers

// let api = pipeline {
//     plug acceptJson
//     set_header "x-pipeline-type" "Api"
// }

// let apiRouter = router {
//     not_found_handler (setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Api 404")
//     pipe_through api
//     forward "/someApi" someScopeOrController
// }

let appRouter = router {
    // forward "/api" apiRouter
    forward "" browserRouter

First, take a look at the router function.

let appRouter' = router {
    forward "" browserRouter

The appRouter value is a router. Inside it is the forward "" browserRouter line.

The forward function needs a path and a router. In this case, the path is an empty string and the router is browserRouter.

That means that the browserRouter router will handle the routes at the current location.

Since appRouter is the first router called, the current location is the root of the application.

Now let's look at browserRouter:

let browserRouter' = router {
    not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout)
    pipe_through browser

    forward "" defaultView

There are three lines. The first line, not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout) tells browserRouter to display a not found page if the user enters a route that the application does not handle.

The second line tells the application to use the browser pipeline defined above. The pipeline is a list of settings on how the website will deliver the pages.

Lastly, forward "" defaultView is like forward "" browserRouter from the appRouter. Again, browserRouter does not contain any routes but it tells the defaultView router to handle them.

Finally, we get to the part where the application is told how to handle the routes. Inside defaultView, we created 3 routes:

let defaultView' = router {
    get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
    get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
    get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")

Here, we see that get is used to define the routes. There are 3 routes here but 2 of them redirect to the first route.

To illustrate, the routes are:
└── "" (router)
    └── "" (browserRouter)
        └── "" (defaultView)
            ├── "/"       
            ├── "/index.html"       -redirect to
            └── "/default.html"     -redirect to

Looking at the first line inside defaultView, get "/" (htmlView Index.layout) tells the application to display Index.layout at the root of the application. The get corresponds to the HTTP verb GET so when you type in a link, the browser tries to GET the page. The first parameter of get is "/", so basically when getting the root, the get function will return something.

The second parameter is (htmlView Index.layout) so the get function returns an HTML page specified by Index.layout. The second and third line have (redirectTo false "/"), telling the application to go to "" when going to "" or ""

Best Practices

You can combine all 3 routers into one router like:

let appRouter'' = router {
    not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout)
    pipe_through browser

    get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
    get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
    get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")

The template splits them into 3 to encourage good practices. In the first router, you can see the commented out code forward "/api" apiRouter. This is a good suggestion in the template to have a separate router to handle your API routes. We set up how to deliever the webpage with pipe_through browser in browserRouter. The settings are important for a browser to know how to handle your routes but not for a different application to access your routes as an API.

The template provides an example of how to set up the API routes in the commented out code, which I copied below:

let api = pipeline {
    plug acceptJson
    set_header "x-pipeline-type" "Api"

let apiRouter = router {
    not_found_handler (setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Api 404")
    pipe_through api

    forward "/someApi" someScopeOrController

Here we have the apiRouter router which does not return a 404 page but a 404 text instead, which is appropriate for an API. The router also uses a pipeline that is more appropriate for an API such as accepting JSON inputs instead of HTML as in the browser pipeline.

Format Strings

You might be wondering how to make routes that accept a numerical ID. You can make multiple routes for each ID like:

get "/1" (getApplication 1)
get "/2" (getApplication 2)
get "/3" (getApplication 3)

But this is impracticle because there can be a large number of items or new items are constantly being created with new IDs.

Instead, the solution is to use format strings. Remember that in the Adding Pages Guide, we used getf "/%s" index2Action to pass a string to page.
Format CharType

For a numerical ID, we want to pass an int which is %i in the list above, so you can replace the lines above with:

getf "/%i" getApplication

Notice that getf is used instead of get. This is a separate version of get that handles format characters.

You can use format strings with "forward" too by using "forwardf"

API Reference

Full API reference for router CE can be found here.